All-natural Source equine supplement is a unique powder blend of concentrated, broad-spectrum micronutrients concentrated from select ocean plants, the herbs of the ocean, nature’s richest remaining storehouse of micronutrients.
Users consistently report improved hoof texture and growth, hair gloss, skin tone, body weight, stamina, and temperament. Also helps develop superior breeding and performance for horses of all ages, breeds and activities.
Provides at least 58 elements and their associated micronutrient compounds in biologically active and naturally chelated form. Does not contain preservatives, artificial coloring or flavoring, binders or added chemicals.
Contains dehydrated seaweed meals (fucaceae, palmariaceae, gigartinaceae, bangiaceae, ulvaceae), potassium and iodine.
Directions: 1/2 ounce daily per 1,000 lbs. body weight. Safe and effective for pregnant and lactating mares. May be used on race day. Scoop enclosed. 5 lbs = 5 months supply.