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5/5 Stars out of 1 Reviews
Robert B | March 24th, 2024
Verified Buyer
First, thanks Horse & Kennel for being the only seller that had this replacement head in stock! I've been using the full- and mini-sized Future Forks for many years and they are soft enough to bend tines instead of break them. They are almost indestructible, but after years and years I broke a tine using it improperly to break loose manure in sub-zero Fahrenheit temps. The mini fork is perfect for picking horse manure from tall grass or rough ground because it gets in the tall grass and rough spaces better than a full-sized fork. It's so light weight that one-handed use is possible. Some people think a small fork is for kids, but this is a seriously useful tool to make your barn chores easier in some situations. I wouldn't be without one!